Saturday, April 08, 2006

Another Honk From . . .

AdminID over at Note Talkers suggested in a private email (after some good-natured ribbing about his name) that I enter their contest with some Before ResultsManager and After shots of my infamous uber-maps. I may do that. I've saved out a couple with that idea in mind.

And he even gave this blog a little honk here. He's coined an interestingly curious term, "the ResultsManager meme." And I am certainly curious to see if he expands more on that topic .

And then he blithely floats out the idea about the learning curve for ResultsManager not being that steep. I say, "Sure, buddy. Use it first and then tell me that."

All kidding aside, it appears the focus for Note Talkers is more focused on reviews for note-taking software than for mindmapping based apps. And being a fellow new homeowner, he had some great money-saving ideas that I'm extremely grateful for.


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