Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Family Picnic Or Billion Dollar Project?

As promised, here is the first of a series of posts from Kyle McFarlin, Gyronix's Head Trainer ("head" as in chief, not the lump above your shoulders) for integrating RM into a company's workflow.

The overall arcing theme of these posts is called "Conquer Your World with ResultsManager."

I was stunned when I first read what you're about to. His posts are so thought-provoking, so rich that I got posting envy just from reading them. They're so meaty that I was afraid readers would gloss over certain points because they were still mentally digesting something he said several sentences back.

I think they're meant to be read together, so if there's any incoherency -- mea culpa for breaking them into bitesized pieces. They're certainly cogent when read in sequence.

So here's Kyle:

The combination of MindManager and ResultsManager has an unprecedented aspect to it: it can be used as a Life Balance Tool, or used to drive billion dollar projects. Not many tools in the business or personal realms are so adaptable. Personally, the last time I had so much fun with technology was Contra on the Nintendo Entertainment System.

MindManager can be used to visualize almost any body of information, situation, project or process you desire. Then, ResultsManager can extract Project, Task and Relationship information from those visualizations: there is no restriction on the subject matter.

Now, you may think what you learn at the office can't possibly translate at home. Why not? If you're going to spend most of your waking life at work, shouldn't it sharpen you for handling the rigors of your home life? If you could go through the same logic process for a family picnic as you would a billion dollar merger, wouldn't that give you a power previousy unattainable?

If you believe in the perfect forms proposed by the ancient Greek philosophers, then it's implied there is a perfect form for project management: The Gyronix System is an early attempt at finding and taking advantage of it.

No one is saying we're there yet, but if we can vaguely see that form out in the distance and use our best artist's sketch of it for managing our most important initiatives, then it makes sense that we no longer act as though best practices at work don't apply at home and vice versa.

Universals do exist: imagine if you could use the same discipline for setting up a sales pipeline as a book of poetry.


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